Sweet Bouquet-Skittles & Lion bar


Wonderful bouquet arrangement wrapped in a green eco-friendly packaging , adorned with a cute reddish bow that accentuates the colours of the skittles and the Lion bar making it more refined. This bouquet was handcrafted with great dedication, creating a candy arrangement full of love and care, making it a perfect gift for your loved ones and the people you care about.

Discover more delightful creations like this from Sweet Bouquets Malta, where thoughtful gifting meets quality and care.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetbouquets.malta/profilecard/?igsh=eDV1c2x6Z21rcXZ2

Sold By: Sweet Bouquets Malta


Wonderful bouquet arrangement wrapped in a green eco-friendly packaging , adorned with a cute reddish bow that accentuates the colours of the skittles and the Lion bar making it more refined. This bouquet was handcrafted with great dedication, creating a candy arrangement full of love and care, making it a perfect gift for your loved ones and the people you care about.