A timed educational trivia card game consisting of two sets of cards, a deck of themes, a deck of dares and your phone!
The game’s objective is to be the last one standing. In a round, players each have 5-second turns to think of a word or phrase related to the theme or be eliminated. The last eliminated player has to do a dare. The person who wins 5 rounds first is crowned the winner.
The game includes 25 theme cards and 25 dares cards, the dare cards are seperated into 5 sets, each set having 5 cards, letting you pick and choose if you want to do physical dares or conversational dares before you start your game! It’s perfect for family trivia nights and hangouts with friends!
Some of the dares require interacting with strangers!
Your phone will be used to access the website: ‘’, which will have the game’s timer.