Sweet Bouquet – Kinder & Bounty


Delightfully arranged in eco-friendly blue packaging, this sweet bouquet is a perfect gift for any occasion. Adorned with a crisp white ribbon, it exudes elegance and charm. Packed with beloved treats like Kinder and Bounty, it’s a delightful combination of indulgence and sustainability. Thoughtfully crafted with recyclable materials, this bouquet is a treat for both your loved ones and the planet.


Discover more delightful creations like this from Sweet Bouquets Malta, where thoughtful gifting meets quality and care.

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Sold By: Sweet Bouquets Malta


Gift-worthy for any occasion, this delightful bouquet is carefully wrapped in eco-friendly blue packaging and tied with a dainty white ribbon. Its well-considered design skilfully blends sustainability and style, making it a present of environmental care as well as a visual delight. This bouquet, which comes full with a delicious mix of classic chocolates like Kinder and Bounty, is the ideal way to satisfy any sweet taste.

This bouquet, which was made from recyclable materials, is perfect for people who appreciate considerate, environmentally friendly gifts. This creation adds happiness and taste to every detail, whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just to brighten someone’s day.